• 22 S. State St. Clearfield, UT 84015
  • Main : (801) 525-5000
  • M-F 8am to 5pm


curbside recycling


Curbside Recycling

The following cities offer recycling curbside collection:


Other Recycling Services

If your city does not offer recycling curbside collection, the following services are available:

Mountain West Curbside Recycling is a private company that offers this service to individual homes.

- The Wasatch Integrated Waste Management in Layton has a drop off recycling center that can be utilized by all Davis County Residents.



Used Oil

There are more than 40 sites in Davis County that are registered collection sites for the disposal of "Do-It-Yourself" (DIY) used oil. There is no fee for the disposal of uncontaminated used oil. Collection sites are limited to accepting no more than 5 gallons per person.

Businesses must make their own arrangements to have a transporter collect their oil. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management maintains a list of used oil disposal sites within Davis County.