• 22 S. State St. Clearfield, UT 84015
  • Main : (801) 525-5000
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

Volunteer Opportunities

RSVP Volunteer Opportunities (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program)

senior_reading_to_childYou've gained a lifetime of experience. Now is the time to put your skills and talents to good use by volunteering through RSVP.

RSVP is America's largest volunteer network for people age 55 and over. Join RSVP in Davis County and you join nearly 500,000 volunteers across the country who are enhancing their communities. The Davis County Health Department in Clearfield, Utah, is the local organization sponsoring the program.

Individuals 55+ will find that RSVP offers a full range of volunteer opportunities with local nonprofit organizations. RSVP allows you choose how and where you want to serve, the amount of time you want to give and whether you want to draw on your skills or develop new ones. In short, we'll help you find the opportunity that's right for you.

You will receive pre-service orientation through RSVP, training from the organization where you serve, and supplemental insurance while on duty. A small mileage reimbursement is available to help cover the expense of driving your car between home and your volunteer site.

And remember: When you volunteer, you're not just helping others—you're helping yourself. Volunteering leads to new discoveries and new friends. Plus, studies show that volunteering helps you live longer and promotes a positive outlook on life.

Contact (801) 525-5094 or visit our RSVP page for more information.

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

Medically and non-medically trained Davis County residents can help during a public health emergency by volunteering for the Davis County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). Volunteers are trained to supplement local public health, hospitals, and other emergency medical systems when they are overwhelmed. To register as a volunteer, go to www.utahresponds.org and set up a profile. You will be contacted for a volunteer orientation once your profile is complete.

For more information about Davis County MRC, please call (801) 525-5070


Internship opportunities are available with Davis County Health Department. Are you looking for experience working in public health? Are you working toward a degree in public health, health education, or environmental health? We are regularly looking for interns to work in a variety of programs including health education, health promotion, epidemiology, seniors, food safety, air quality, water quality, environmental response, and waste management.

If you are interested in interning with the Davis County Health Department please call 801-525-5070.

Internship Opportunities

Volunteer Application

Please fill out the form below to become a Davis County Volunteer

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Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

Below is a detailed list of services needed for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

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