• 61 S. Main St. Farmington, UT 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

What is Code Blue? 

“Code blue event” means a weather event between October 15th and April 30th in which the National Weather Service predicts temperatures of 18 degrees Fahrenheit or less, including wind chill, or any other extreme weather conditions established in rules made by the Department of Health and Human Services to occur in any county of the first, second, third, or fourth class for two hours or longer within the next 24 to 48 hours.

Davis County is a County of the second class. What does a Code Blue mean for me? Any individual who is experiencing unsheltered homelessness when a Code Blue is issued can come to the Davis County Warming Center from 8pm-7am on any night that a Code Blue is in effect. If you have children under the age of 18 and need shelter during Code Blue, the County has partnered with Open Doors to provide non-congregate (family rooms) shelter at a separate location. Please contact Open Doors at 385-320-9043 for more information.

Snowy City

How do I get to the Warming Center?

Five bus stops have been established throughout the County where individuals can show up at prescribed times and ride a bus to the warming center when a Code Blue is in effect. The 5 bus stops and prescribed pickup times are listed below. The location of the warming center may rotate, so the best way to get to the warming center is to arrive at a bus stop before the below listed times and wait for the County’s bus to arrive. In the morning, individuals staying overnight at the Warming Center will need to board the bus and be dropped off at one of the 5 stops. (include attached image of code blue bus stops)


Bus Stops Bus Stops (Spanish)

What is the Warming Center?

The Davis County Warming Center is just that! It is a place to go in the evening to stay warm. Cots and bedding will be set up in the Warming Center so people can sleep if they would like. The Warming Center is only open in the evenings on nights a Code Blue is in effect. 

The Warming Center will rotate between three different locations depending on availability of each location:

  • I/M (Tech Center) Building (520 Old Mill Lane, Kaysville, UT 84037)
  • North Davis Senior Center (42 State St, Clearfield, UT 84015)
  • Valley View Golf Course (2501 E Gentile St, Layton, UT 84040)

Pets may be allowed depending on the particular location of the Warming Center on a given night. Prior to entrance into the warming center individuals will be provided with a large bag to place their belongings and will receive the bag back upon exit from the Warming Center. The policies and procedures for accessing the warming center are linked below.


Warming Center Policies and Procedures

Who can I contact if I have questions?

You can contact Ryan Steinbeigle at 801-451-3495 or rsteinbeigle@co.davis.ut.us or the
Davis County Emergency Manager, Ember Herrick, at 801-451-4108 or eherrick@co.davis.ut.us.