• 800 West State Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm

Davis County Emergency Operations Plan

This Davis County Emergency Operations Plan identifies natural and man-made hazards  as they may impact the residents of the county. It details the response and recovery procedures that local officials should follow if a disaster of any nature strikes. This plan is currently in the process of being updated.


Davis County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP)

The CEMP serves as the guiding document for the county's efforts to proactively manage and mitigate the impacts of potential hazards. The CEMP outlines the responsibilities and coordination mechanisms of County agencies, municipalities, and, public safety agencies, and other volunteer organizations. The plan unifies the efforts of these groups for a comprehensive approach to reducing the effects of a disaster.

*This plan remains in the draft phase and awaits formal approval by the Davis County Commission. 

Davis County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan

The purposes of this Plan are (1) identify threats to the community, (2) create mitigation strategies to address those threats, (3) develop longā€term mitigation planning goals and objectives, and (4) to fulfill federal, state and local hazard mitigation planning obligations.

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