• 22 S. State St. Clearfield, UT 84015
  • Main : (801) 525-5000
  • M-F 8am to 5pm
Davis 4 Health

Davis4Health is the Davis County community health improvement collaborative, which began in 2012. Davis County Health Department currently serves as the backbone organization of Davis4Health and provides ongoing support to maintain organizational infrastructure and sustain momentum for moving Davis4Health forward. More than 60 partners from many organizations have significant involvement and contribute staff time; facilitation and leadership; expertise; volunteers; guidance and decision-making; advocacy; data; community connections; in-kind donations; etc.

Our Mission & Vision

Improve community health through the power of partnerships, collaboration, and strategic alignment around Davis County's top health priorities; with a shared commitment toward a culture of health and well-being.

About Us


The Davis4Health Steering Committee meets every six months. The group provides guidance for community health improvement efforts such as the Davis4Health Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). Community partners are invited to participate because of their work on community needs and resource assessments; access to data; work to address disparities and equity; ability to represent underserved and underrepresented community members, and/or participation in community health improvement efforts. The group began meeting biannually in 2016.

Guiding Principles

  • Priorities and strategies are determined based upon findings of Davis4Health Community Health Assessments.
  • The process is community-driven with significant involvement from a broad set of stakeholders and partners from a variety of community agencies.

Equity Alignment

In 2021, we began reaching out to many Davis4Health partners to assess systems, processes, and partnerships in place to address equity and to identify existing frameworks, documents, and performance measures guiding the work. Partners shared awareness of equity components in the CHA and CHIP and suggested working toward a more formalized equity framework/lens. In April 2022 Davis4Health partners responded to a survey where over 90% agreed that they are comfortable with Davis4Health serving as the equity collaborative for Davis County and the CHIP serving as the county equity improvement plan.

Health improvement Process

Strategic Prevention Framework

The Davis4Health community health improvement process is modeled after the Action Cycle in the County Health Rankings (CHR) and Roadmaps. It provides steps and a path to keep partners moving with data to action.

Assess Needs & Resources

Partners work together to gather data to describe the health status of the population. They identify strengths, assets, resources, challenges, and populations experiencing disparities. Partners work together to identify assessment needs and data gaps. Reports are shared with the community as new data, disparities, and resources are combined to illuminate community issues. Assessment work is continuous.

Every 5 years a comprehensive Community Health Assessment (CHA) is completed to provide broad understanding of the factors that contribute to health, including health issues in special populations, community resources and assets, as well as public perceptions and concerns.

Community Heath Assessment 

 Davis4Health Website (1140x705)                     


Partners work together to gather data to describe the health status of the population. More Info


Together, partners decide which problem(s) to tackle. Taking time to set priorities helps direct community resources to the most important issues. Partners re-evaluate chosen health improvement priorities at least every five years.

In 2018 Davis4Health partners voted to make these issues priorities of focus: 1) Suicide; 2) Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Trauma; and 3) Opioids. Partners also emphasized the importance of coordinating prevention efforts and efforts to improve access to services which overlap all three priorities

Suicide Prevention
Childhood Trauma
Opioid Safety

Magnifying glass


Together, partners decide which problem(s) to tackle. More Info

Choose Effective Policies

Partners select policies and programs that have been shown to work in real life and are a good fit for the community. Partners work together to revise and update the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) annually as needed. A new comprehensive CHIP containing chosen strategies, policies, and programs is completed at least every five years. The 2024-2028 Davis4Health CHIP details partners’ collaborative vision to address top health improvement priorities (2024 CHIP: chip.davis4health.org)

Act on What's Important

Partners work together to implement the Community Health Improvement Plan. Since there are no “one size fits all” blueprints for success, partners build on strengths, leverage available resources, and respond to unique needs as they coordinate actions to improve health. Progress is monitored and an annual report is prepared to document partners' cumulative effort.  Each year a progress celebration luncheon is held to acknowledge partners for their contributions and recognize community health improvement successes.

The Davis4Health Annual Progress Report (2023) detailing our communities efforts to prevent and reduce Suicide; Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Trauma; and Opioid Misuse is available online, https://www.daviscountyutah.gov/docs/librariesprovider5/reports-and-assessments/community-health-improvement-plan-(chip)/2023-chip-progress-report.pdf?sfvrsn=a795e953_6. In addition to community successes, this document contains data, resources, and links to community prevention activities and behavioral health services.

Community Service


Partners work together to implement the Community Health Improvement Plan. More Info

Evaluate Actions

Evaluating ongoing efforts helps health improvement partners know if what they are doing is working the way it is intended and achieving desired results. Partners use a variety of tools to monitor and measure processes, progress, effectiveness, outcomes, and population changes.

Bar charts


Evaluating ongoing efforts. More Info

Community Health Improvement Plan
(CHIP) Collaborations


Human Services Directors Committee

Davis Links

Davis Behavioral Health Network

Coalitions & Workgroups (DCHD Chaired)

CAPE was formed in 2015 to increase community awareness of elder abuse and financial exploitation. The goals of the coalition are prevention, increasing community awareness, identifying/sharing resources/knowledge, and creating a forum for case staffing.


Monthly on the third Friday at 9:00 am

Hybrid meeting in the DCHD Board Room with a virtual option

Davis4Health is Davis County's overarching collaborative effort. This group is a committee that provides guidance for community health improvement efforts such as the Davis County Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).


Twice a year (Spring & Fall); group is also invited to attend annual CHIP celebration in February

Location varies

The Davis Behavioral Health Network (formerly Community Access Committee) was formed in 2013 to bring service providers, community-based organizations and other interested partners together to work on improving access to behavioral health services in Davis County. Davis County Health Department and Davis Behavioral Health provide administrative support to the group.


Quarterly (Feb, May, Aug, Nov) on the fourth Monday

The Davis County Abuse Prevention Workgroup was formed in 2022 to prevent abuse in Davis County. The workgroup's vision is a safe and connected Davis County community actively preventing all forms of abuse across the lifespan.


Monthly on the third Thursday at 10:00 am

Davis County Memorial Courthouse, Room 211 

Davis HELPS is the lead coalition in Davis County working on suicide prevention and coordinated prevention efforts in general. The group coordinates with other agencies to align efforts and develop strategies to support all people in their mental, emotional and social well-being. The coalition has been meeting since 2008, and began to focus on suicide during 2013.


Monthly on the first Thursday at 11:30 am

Davis County Administration Building in Farmington, Room 131

The purpose of Davis Links is to provide a monthly forum that links service providers to available community resources and provides training opportunities. Each forum either includes a topic with local resources or training. A networking event is also held each September. 


Monthly on the last Tuesday at 8:30 am

Location varies - Some forums are held virtually through Google Meet and others are held in-person. For more details, visit davislinks.davis4health.org


Travis Olsen, davislinkscommittee@gmail.com

The Marshallese Moms and Babies Workgroup was created in the summer of 2022 to address maternal and child health disparities. The group consists of partners who serve Pacific Islander women and families throughout Davis County.


Virtually as needed

The Safe Kids Davis County Coalition (part of Safe Kids Worldwide) is made of up community partners whose mission is to make Davis County a safer place for children by preventing accidental injuries and fatalities.


Monthly on the third Wednesday at 10:30 am 


Coalitions & Workgroups

Community groups meet in an effort to foster a safe and connected community for youth by empowering our families, schools, and local leaders. Each area of Davis County has a local CTC (North Davis, Layton, Central Davis, South Davis).


Each CTC has a different meeting schedule


Each CTC is led by coalition coordinators from Davis Behavioral Health

A subgroup of the Davis Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, the Davis Community Reentry Coalition meets monthly to discuss ways to help justice involved individuals experience success when reentering society. In 2022, they began sponsoring weekly community reentry resource fairs. Community partners regularly attend the fair to provide individuals with information about employment opportunities, peer support, mental and behavioral healthcare, Medicaid, and other community services.

Coalition Time/Place:

TBD, under new leadership

Reentry Community Resource Fair Time/Place:

Weekly on Thursday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

380 South 200 West, Farmington, UT 84025

Raise awareness of domestic violence, prevent domestic violence, and contribute to societal and public policy change.


Monthly on the third Monday at 12:00 pm


Debbie Comstock, debbiecomstock7@gmail.com

The purpose is to reduce the number of individuals and families experiencing homelessness, house those experiencing homelessness in long-term housing as rapidly as possible, and prevent homelessness.


Odd months on the first Tuesday at 1:00 pm

Davis County Administration Building in Farmington, Room 306

The Davis Criminal Justice Coordinating Council is headed by a county commissioner with support from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Coordinator and has representation from justices, the county sheriff, the county attorney, local law enforcement, a public attorney, Davis Behavioral Health, Safe Harbor, the Department of Corrections, a person with lived experience in the justice system, Davis County Health Department, and other interested individuals. The council is currently looking at ways to improve the county's pretrial system and help those previously involved in the criminal justice system to fully reintegrate into society.


Monthly on the second Thursday at 3:30 pm

Virtually through Google Meet

The Food Environment Workgroup includes various community partners that meet monthly to improve food access in Davis County. 


Quarterly in-person meetings (day/time varies); regular virtual check-in meetings (day/time varies)


Emma Parkhurst, emma.parkhurst@usu.edu

Oversight committee for human services. Make policy decisions, allocate resources, advise funding, assist in the development of the county consolidated plan, and provide vision and strategic direction.


Odd months on the fourth Thursday 9:00 am

Davis County Administration Building in Farmington, Rm 306

The Davis County Human Services Directors Committee provides direction and input for the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma & Resilience priority. The committee is chaired by a county commissioner. The overall mission is to enhance collaboration among human services organizations to ensure programs and services are accessible, aligned, and mutually reinforcing.


Even months on the second Wednesday at 9:00 am

Davis County Administration Building in Farmington, Room 131

The purpose is to identify organizations that provide charity dental care, determine how much charitable dental care is being provided, identify gaps for dental care and develop strategies to meet those needs.


No current schedule


Lorna Koci, Pantry Smiles, lornakoci@gmail.com

The Winter Response Task Force was a requirement with the passing of HB499 during the 2023 legislative session. The Task Force creates a Winter Response Plan to ensure individuals and families experiencing homelessness have shelter during the winter season.


Meetings are held as needed

Sign up

Fill out the form below if you would like to sign up for a coalition or workgroup offered by Davis County Health Department.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments please fill out the form or call us at (801) 525-5212.

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Resource Locator

The Davis4Health Resource Locator is a directory of health resources located in Davis County. The Resource locater allows you to easily locate Active Living Amenities, Community Programs, Green Solutions, Healthy Eating, and Human Services located within Davis County